

毁灭性的家庭火灾太常见了. By taking fire precautions at home, you could help prevent the fire before it starts.

Home fires are not only unexpected, but also unpredictable and can quickly spiral out of control. 据悉,在2020年,有近 美国发生356,500起家庭火灾. 不幸的是,火灾导致2730名平民死亡. 真正的悲剧是,很多火灾是可以预防的. By taking the basic precautions listed 在这里, you could stop a disaster before it starts.


烹饪是主要原因 of home fires in the United 状态s, starting almost half of all fires. 供暖是第二大原因, followed by electrical systems/lighting equipment and intentional fires. 吸烟 is the fifth highest cause, but is the leading cause of civilian home fire deaths.

蜡烛也是一个重要原因 and are responsible for approximately 20 home fires reported every day.



  • 保持警惕. If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don't use the oven or stove.
  • Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling or broiling food. If you need to leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the oven or stove.
  • If you are simmering, baking, roasting or boiling food, check it regularly. Remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
  • 保持灶台干净 任何能着火的东西, 包括烤箱手套, 木制餐具, 食品包装, 毛巾或窗帘.


  • 做好准备. 当你在炉子上做饭时,在旁边放一个盖子. If a small grease fire occurs, smother it by sliding the lid over the pan. Turn off the stove and leave the pan covered until it has completely cooled.
  • 如果是烤箱着火,关掉暖气并关上门.
  • Whenever fighting a fire, be sure others leave and that you have a clear way out.
  • 如果火势持续或扩大,请立即撤离! 当你离开时,关上身后的门,以帮助控制火势.
  • 离开后拨打9-1-1或当地紧急电话.


  • 考虑更换旧的 空间加热器 新的灯泡在过热或倾斜时会自动关闭. 让他们远离任何易燃物品至少三英尺.
  • 烟囱每年都进行专业清洁和检查.
  • 所有的壁炉都应该有一个坚固的屏风. 不要用易燃液体在壁炉里点火. 让骨灰完全冷却,然后用金属桶来处理.


  • 有 your home inspected by a qualified electrician, especially when purchasing an older home.
  • 在进行电气工作时,请使用合格的电工.
  • 注意以下的警告信号 错误的连接. 这些可能包括熔断的pp王者电子官网丝, 明显损坏的电线, 出口周围变色, 闪烁的灯光或燃烧的气味.
  • 保护你的家不受电弧故障的影响. An arc fault occurs when an electrical short produces an arc: intensely hot sparks that can set fire to nearby flammable materials. Arcs often happen in appliance or extension cords that have become frayed or cracked.
  • 防止电弧故障,有 电弧故障断路器(afci) 安装在家中. 这些装置的外观和工作原理与传统的断路器相似. 当AFCI检测到电弧时,它会关闭电路.
  • 电涌会损坏电器,甚至引发火灾. Protect your home with a two-tiered surge protection system: a whole house surge protection device (SPD) on the main electrical service to the home, 以及所有贵重电子产品和电器的使用点专用硬盘.
  • 智能传感器设备 能帮你发现潜伏在家里的无形危险吗.


每年, candle fires account for hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage and hundreds of unnecessary injuries and deaths.

  • 只有在持续的监督下才能燃烧蜡烛.
  • Keep burning candles a minimum of one foot away in all directions from flammable and combustible items.
  • Keep candlewicks trimmed to within one-quarter (¼) inch from the top of the candle.
  • 不要让蜡烛烧到容器的底部.
  • Extinguish all candles before leaving the house or when going to bed at night.
  • Place candles in safe locations, out of the reach of children or pets.
  • 只把蜡烛放在不会翻倒的安全家具上.


为了防止吸烟事故引起火灾 U.S. 消防管理 建议您:

  • 烟外. Many things in your home can catch on fire if they touch something hot like a cigarette or ashes. 在外面抽烟总是比较安全的.
  • 把烟都灭了. 每次都这样做. 不要离开点燃的香烟和其他吸烟物品. Put water on the ashes and butts to make sure they are really out before you put them in the trash.
  • 保持警惕. 吃完让你感到疲倦的药后不吸烟吗. You may not be able to prevent or escape from a fire if you are sleepy or have taken medicine that makes you tired.
  • 不要在医用氧气附近吸烟. 如果附近有火焰或火花,医用氧气就会爆炸. 即使氧气被关闭,它仍然会着火.
  • 不要在床上吸烟. 床垫和床上用品很容易着火. Do not smoke in bed because you might fall asleep with a lit cigarette.
  • 把香烟放在烟灰缸或有沙子的桶里. Use ashtrays with a wide base so they won't tip over and start a fire.



  • Ensure that your live tree is fresh as the needles should be hard to pull from the branches and don’t break when bent between your fingers.
  • Place the tree away from heat sources such as fireplaces, vents and radiators.
  • Check the water level daily and make sure the stand is filled with water.
  • 确保这棵树没有挡住门道,也不在交通堵塞的地方.
  • 如果你买一棵人造树,要看是否有“防火”的标签.

如果发现火灾,请立即拨打911. 找不到气味的来源? 联系你的消防部门——安全总比后悔好. 如果没有火灾,但你怀疑是机械事故或 电的问题,请尽快联系有执照的维修技师.

用这些常年进行防火练习 来自状态 Farm®的建议.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Consider these tips to help you and your family recover after a house fire.


家中的火灾会给你的家庭和财产带来巨大的破坏. Increase your fire preparedness with these basic fire prevention tips.


家中可能需要多个烟雾探测器. 阅读不同的类型.


Make a home fire evacuation plan to be better prepared in case of a fire. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to safety and understand fire hazards.