

Consider these tips to help your teen get off to a good start with their own 储蓄, 担保信用卡和更多.

建立信用记录需要时间, and credit may be needed to achieve some financial milestones like 买车 or  一个居住的地方.  Here are some tips to help get them started on their credit journey.


T在这里 are helpful money habits and concepts that may come in handy before your teen is ready to go out on their own. Here are some tips that might help them become financially responsible and understand how banking, 支付和信用工作, 除了贡献他们的 信用记录.


让你的孩子明白 信用是什么,它是如何运作的, as well as the importance of using it correctly, can help when they have their own 信用卡.


只有年满18岁的合法成年人才能申请 信用卡. Adding your teen as an authorized user on your own 信用卡 may be a way for them to learn how credit works and how to use it responsibly. 此外,这可以帮助他们建立自己的信用记录. You could have an agreement with your teen indicating they are responsible for paying for their purchases and help them understand when payments are due.


负责任地管理和维护 检查 or 储蓄 account can show a financial institution that your teen can handle money. 如果账户附带借记卡, 你的孩子可以获得使用信用卡交易的经验.


Getting a part-time job may be a good exercise to help your teen understand the value of money. It will also allow them the opportunity to get into or continue the habit of 攒钱. 除了, it is a good way for your teen to be able to make 信用卡 payments on a secure 信用卡 or a student 信用卡, 如果有的话.


If your older teenager has bills in his or her name, it is very important to teach them to 支付他们的账单 准时. This habit not only helps them build credit but will help prevent them from incurring expensive fees associated with late payments.


When your teen turns 18 years old, consider these additional ways to help them build credit.


担保信用卡 对你的孩子来说可能是个不错的选择. It is a card w在这里 a cash deposit is made as collateral in case the cardholder can’t make payments.

卡片上可以写上你孩子的名字, 你们可以一起进行首次存款, 这个账户的信用额度是多少. Then they can use the card to help demonstrate that expenses can be handled, 按时付款.

Monitor your teen's activities as they get into the credit habit, 随着责任的展现,允许更多的灵活性. Once several months of purchases and payments are under your teen's belt, access their 信用报告 然后一起复习,确保一切都是正确的.


These cards are designed for college students and can help a teenager or young adult build credit when used responsibly. A student 信用卡 usually has fewer application requirements, has lower credit limits and may reward good behaviors like getting good grades. This type of card can be a good option for your older teen when building a 信用记录.


credit-builder贷款 是为了帮助你严格建立信用. With this type of loan, the financial entity does not disburse the loan to the borrower. The funds are held in a certificate of deposit or a secured 储蓄 account, 贷款通常是有利率的. 在贷款还清之前,每月支付一次. The money is given back to the borrower at the end of the loan term — and in some cases, 它可能包括部分利息.

在贷款期限内, the bank or financial entity will report the payment history to 信用报告ing agencies which may help the person, 在这个例子中是一个青少年, 建立信用记录. This is a good way to not only build credit, but to create some 储蓄.


If your teenager decides to get a student loan to help pay for college, 这可能对他们的信用报告有积极的影响. 许多学生贷款被延期, but any payments made toward the loan may help create a positive payment history. 这是一个好主意,探索其他 支付大学学费的方法 在你的孩子决定承担学生贷款之前.

早点教孩子良好的理财习惯和 理财技巧 可以帮助他们继续承担经济责任吗. 另外,你可以随时联系 国营农场® 代理 如果你想了解更多 青少年汽车pp王者电子官网, 避开® 储蓄 or 租房者pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.








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Lessons on money management for teens before they head to college, 包括如何制定预算, strategies for 攒钱 and ways to use credit responsibly.